JLM Trains, L.L.C.
Not all items are available at all times.
Please inquire about availability.
Click on the thumbnails below for a full size image.
No. 100 B&O Electric Locomotive
Green with black frame…………………………………………………….$725.00
Maroon with black roof and frame……………………………………$725.00
No. 200 Electric Express Gondola
Wooden body varnished with black frame………………………………………$895.00
Wooden body painted red with black frame…………………………………..$795.00
Steel body ribbed side in green with black frame…………………………..$725.00
Steel body smooth side in green with black frame…………………………$725.00
Steel body smooth side in maroon with black frame……………………..$725.00
No. 300 Electric Trolley Car
Electric Trolley Car………………….$1095.00
No. 309 Electric Trolley Trailer
Electric Trolley Trailer………………….$895.00
No. 400 Express Trailer
Wooden body varnished with black frame……………………………………..$695.00
Wooden body painted red with black frame………………………………….$595.00
Steel body ribbed side in green with black frame……………………………$525.00
Steel body smooth side in green with black frame………………………….$525.00
Steel body smooth side in maroon with black frame……………………..$525.00
No. 500 Electric Derrick
Green with black frame………………………….$775.00
Maroon with black frame……………………….$775.00
No. 600 Derrick Trailer
Green with black frame………………………….$575.00
Maroon with black frame……………………….$575.00
No. 800 Electric Box Car
Maroon with black roof and frame………….$745.00
No. 900 Box Car Trailer
Maroon with black roof and frame………….$545.00
No. 1000 Electric Passenger Car
Maroon with black roof and frame………….$775.00