JLM Trains, L.L.C.
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Due to the large number of requests that we have received for a copy of the Converse bodied trolley in 2 7/8 Inch Gauge, we have decided to proceed with the tooling. For those not familiar with the Converse Trolley, here’s a little background.
The Morton E. Converse Company started making toys in 1878. Located in rural Winchendon Massachusetts, they were once the largest wood toy company in the world. In 1890, they acquired the New England Lock & Hinge Co. This got them into the business of tin knocking. Now the company could start producing tin parts for their toys. It wasn’t long until they were producing stamped steel toys. One of these toys was the No. 701 Trolley. Available in a trackless floor toy model and a few wind up versions, these large open trolleys were good representations of what was really running at the time. Jump ahead to 1901 and Joshua Lionel Cowen is looking for something to use his new electric motor for. The bodies are bought from Converse, already painted and decorated, and the new motor and frame installed underneath. It is cataloged each year from 1901 through 1905.
Orinigal Converse Trolley
Well, we’re finally finished with the tooling! Here’s a few photos of the finished product.
Introductory Price
No. 300 Electric Trolley Car………………….$1095.00
No. 309 Electric Trolley Trailer……………..$895.00

Side Destination Boards
$15.00 Each
Seats and Seat Backs are now available as parts. Seats are $20.00 each and Seat Backs are $25.00 each.
The curved front panels of the trolley are available as parts and priced at $35.00 each, painted and lettered.