JLM Trains, L.L.C.

We are currently tooling up for a line of Carlisle & Finch reproductions. Since there is a lack of parts available for this brand, we will make all parts available separately as tooling is finished and they become available. The Mining Locomotive and Ore Cars will be first. Tooling for the motor is underway as are the wheel patterns. Trolleys will most likely follow, then a Locomotive and Freight Cars. Let us know what you would like to see completed first, or if you have any special requests.
No. 3 Fixed Bucket Coal Mining Car
The first run of Coal Mining Cars is complete. These are the earliest (1897) version and are built just as the original. The bucket and wheels are cast iron and the base is hardwood stained the correct greenish brown.
$60.00 Each
No. 9 Passenger Station
These Stations were originally produced from 1897 until 1915. They feature operating signals on the roof that were activated by the locomotive passing over a portion of track. The version offered is the 1901 variation with the clerestory roof and two operating signals. Commonly referred to as the “Buffalo Station” it is reproduced using the original methods and materials. The body is of formed sheet metal and soldered together. The coils inside that actuate the signals are hand wound. The platform base is wood. Finally the “brickwork” is paper label as is common with Carlisle & Finch production.
No. 103 Bracket Poles for Trolley Wire
Single Track Pole
$25.00 Ea
Double Track Pole
$35.00 Ea
These poles were originally cataloged from 1905 until 1907. Accurately reproduced in solid Cast Iron, finished, painted, drilled and tapped for the wire holding brass “ears” that carry the galvanized steel trolley wire. Originally developed for use with Carlisle & Finch Trolley Cars No. 99 and No. 100, but can be used with any cars having a spring loaded trolley pole pickup. Both the Single Track and Double Track versions are available.
No. 5 Ornamental Brass Bridge
This bridge was originally cataloged in 1897 and 1898. The sides are cast brass and the piers are wooden. Strip rail is inserted in the slots in the tops of the piers. The bridge is approximately 10 inches long, piers are approximately 3 inches high and the total height is about 8 inches.
Here is your chance to own a reproduction of this extremely rare early accessory.
Cut Brass Gears
Brass gears for three pole motor. These are the small gears located on the armature shaft and on the large idler gear. They are cut from high quality brass stock, 14 teeth and reamed to fit on a .115 diameter shaft. The intermediate gear has a raised hub on the rear to fit into the center of the large drive gear. Large wheel gear is reamed to fit Locomotive wheel hub or Intermediate gear.
Pinion Gear
$25.00 Each
Intermediate Gear
$25.00 Each
Large Wheel Gear
$45.00 Each