JLM Trains, L.L.C.
Track and Accessories
Lionel Super “O” Track For Sale
Always Buying and Selling Lionel Super “O” Trackage

1. Curves (#31)
2. Straights (#32)
3. 1/2 Curves (#33)
4. 1/2 Straights (#34)
5. Remote Control Set (#36)
-Rails (2) only
-Button #90
6. Uncouplers (#37)
-Uncoupler Only
-Button #90
7. Accessory Set (#38)
8. Power Tracks (#43)
9. Insulated Straights (#48)
10. Insulated Curves (#49)
11. Ground Lockon (#61)
12. Power Lockon (#62)
13. Electric Switches (#112)
14. 90 Cross-over (#120)
15. 60 Cross-over (#130)
16. Manual Switches (#142, #142-125, #142-150)
17. Power Bus-bar Connector (#31-7, #31-25, #31-45)
18. Insulated Power Bus-bar Connector (#32-10, #32-20, #32-45, #32-55)
19. Steel Coupling Pins (#31-5)
20. Insulated Coupling Pins (#32-10, #32-55)
21. 1122-500 Adapter Set (O27 to Super-O)
22. T022-500 Adapter Set (O to Super-O)